Eddie Thomson, Head of Business Developm...

Eddie Thomson, Head of Business Development at OPENLANE UK, appointed President of The Scottish Motor Trade Association.

We are delighted to congratulate Eddie Thomson, our Head of Business Development at OPENLANE UK, on being appointed the 76th President of The Scottish Motor Trade Association.

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The Scottish Motor Trade Association was formed in 1903 to “encourage, promote and protect” the interest of their, at that time, small band of members. It is now Scotland’s longest established, largest, and only truly national motor trade body, with 1400 members and rising. The SMTA’s mission is to look after the interests of all their members, whether it’s the largest motor group in the country, a small MOT station or even just a one-man operation in a remote part of the country.

Eddie has sat on the SMTA Board of Directors for the last two years, and OPENLANE UK is committed to supporting its members.

Sandy Burgess, Chief Executive of the SMTA, commented “Eddie has held a number of very high-profile positions within the remarketing sector and as such is a well-known and respected member of the automotive community across the UK. I look forward to working with Eddie and drawing on his extensive remarketing knowledge and experience for the good of our membership and the sector in Scotland.”

Graham Greenwood, the Immediate Past President of the SMTA added “Since joining the SMTA’s Board of Directors, Eddie has made many positive contributions to benefit the association and I am therefore very pleased to announce that he has accepted the position of President.

Eddie brings with him a huge amount of experience in the Remarketing Industry at a senior level, this knowledge is most helpful to the SMTA board and all its members as the sector continues to evolve.”
