Bid agent

On this page, you will find all information you need to know about the ‘bid agent’. It’s a tool that automatically places bids if you are overbid until it reaches a maximum amount set by you. It’s ideal if you’re not present on our website, but don’t want to miss out on winning an auction.

How does it work?

You enter the maximum amount that you are willing to bid for a vehicle. However, this is not the amount that will appear on the website. The bid agent will only bid the lowest amount possible to surpass the previous bid. It will keep doing this until your maximum amount is reached.

How to set the bid agent?

  • Go to the bidding section on the car detail page.
  • Enter the maximum amount you’re willing to spend on a vehicle.
  • Switch on the bid agent, and press submit. In the bid confirmation window, click “confirm”.
  • You will become the highest bidder.
  • As soon as another bidder places a higher bid, the bid agent will increase the bid for you. It will keep doing that until it has reached the maximum amount set by you.
  • An email will notify you every time the bid agent has increased your bid. Of course, we’ll also let you know if another bidder has surpassed your maximum amount.
Place bid

Where to set your default bidding method?

Go to My account / Settings / Bidding preferences, to select your default bidding method. You can change your setting for each bid individually on the car detail page.

Bidding preferences
