Flo Auto Lease, Romania

Flo Auto Lease, Romania

Florin Cotea is the manager of Flo Auto Lease in Bucharest. He has customers across Romania. With 50 cars in stock at any given time, Flo Auto Lease is an important customer for OPENLANE.

Through OPENLANE, I’ve increased my stock considerably.

Florin primarily works with large leasing companies and is always looking for premium vehicles. He needs a regular, reliable supply of cars with a good track record at a very good price. “After all, I trade cars,” he says. “I need a good purchase price to be able to make a profit.”

To satisfy the demand from his clients, Florin needs a wide choice of vehicles, which OPENLANE can provide. “We could work with other companies, but with OPENLANE we can bid and get a better price,” he explains.

When Florin needs a car urgently, he sometimes buys it abroad. But this requires having someone trusted on the spot who can inspect the car, and then arrange delivery. With OPENLANE, that’s all taken care of: everything is done online and the vehicles are delivered to Bucharest.

Florin had a good first experience with OPENLANE four years ago, after a recommendation from a friend. “The first car I got was for a client who had seen it on OPENLANE; he was pleased.” In the meantime, the collaboration has gone smoothly and the business has continued to grow year on year. “In all honesty I can tell you that our trusted supplier is OPENLANE.”

In all honesty I can tell you that our trusted supplier is OPENLANE.

Flo Auto Lease has seen great growth, including during the pandemic, and Florin is happy that OPENLANE has been part of that journey. He’s optimistic about what the future will bring his business.

Curious what OPENLANE can do for your company? Contact one of our consultants and request a free consultation.
