Car Trader

Car Trader


The customer

Managing director Bob has been working with OPENLANE as a trader for five years. He went full steam ahead with his one-man business in recent years, with OPENLANE as a loyal ally. His focus? German cars, with a preference for BMWs.

I find that I usually get a higher price through OPENLANE than through other avenues.

The challenge

“Before I joined forces with OPENLANE, I regularly worked with other auction sites. Their way of working and paying out was downright amateurish. With OPENLANE, it is different. Here, I feel in safe hands,” I sound confident.



An entirely new, European market

Thanks to OPENLANE, Bob gained access to a completely new, European market. “OPENLANE was the gateway to Europe for me. Without this cooperation, it would be much more difficult – or maybe even impossible – to sell cars on a large scale in Europe,” says Bob. “The cooperation with OPENLANE is a quality guarantee for buyers, and I offer my cars more easily. A win-win.”


Best market prices

His profit margins are also a lot higher since cooperating with OPENLANE. “Because of the crisis, margins are uncertain and fluctuate enormously. I do notice that I usually get a higher price through OPENLANE than through other avenues. Moreover, I also know for sure that I get paid quickly. With other auction sites, you first bring in the car, after which you easily have to wait ten days for your money. With OPENLANE, it all goes very quickly.”


Efficient way of working

“Cooperation goes smoothly, communication is always clear and OPENLANE is an honest partner,” Bob says with satisfaction. Some of his turnover still comes from local traders, but most of his business now runs through OPENLANE.

The result

Bob is already convinced. “Selling cars? I consistently choose OPENLANE. I am sure of good service, get my money right away and never have any headaches. I sell over a hundred cars a year through OPENLANE. I think I sell 50% more anyway since working with them.” Are you curious to what OPENLANE can mean for your company? Contact one of our sales executives and ask for a FREE consult.

I am sure of good service, get my money right away and never have any headaches.
