3.7 Does the EU Directive on Consumer Ri...

3.7 Does the EU Directive on Consumer Rights apply on my purchase?

Customers cannot cancel a purchase based on EU Directive on Consumer Rights (Directive 2011/83/EU). 

Article 2.1. of Directive 2011/83/EU of 25 October 2011 on Consumer Rights defines a consumer as “any natural person who, in contracts covered by this Directive, is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business, craft or profession”. Besides, the European Court of Justice has already determined that the consumer protecting measures are not applicable in dual purpose contracts unless the professional use is practically non-existent. 

Since you are a Corporation or a natural person trader, the EU Directive on Consumer Rights -and any other consumer protecting legislation- is not applicable on our commercial relationship. Furthermore, Article 4.1.2 and Article 8.1. of our Terms and Conditions indicate that the vehicle is purchased for substantial professional purposes.
