For dealers
OPENLANE solutions for dealerships.
Looking to optimize the rotation of your stock cars and trade-ins? Partner with OPENLANE and access OPENLANE Sell, Europe’s first modular platform for dealers, complete with a Community feature! Auction your cars to thousands of buyers, increasing competition and helping you secure better prices!
Advantages for dealerships
Whichever way you choose to sell with OPENLANE, the process is simple and efficient from start to finish.
We help you with trade-in valuations, standardized inspection reports, online auction sales or fixed-price trading and logistics support.
Enjoy fast, guaranteed payments within two working days at OPENLANE. We ensure quick transactions, giving you peace of mind and immediate access to funds.
Easily sell to your own network of dealers or sell internationally through our open auctions. Handle the sales process yourself for full control or rely on our expertise to reduce risk.
Monitor your sales KPIs and track your stock effortlessly with your personal OPENLANE Sell dashboard.
Thanks to our cross-border expertise, you gain access to over 125,000 trusted buyers across Europe. Our marketplace ensures maximum exposure and increased profits—all from your desk.
Sell your vehicles in 4 simple steps
With the intuitive OPENLANE Inspect app, you save time and create a car inspection report yourself. Upload the data directly to the OPENLANE Sell portal, finish off the car description, and request your auction. It only takes a few minutes to put your car in front of thousands of buyers on the OPENLANE platform. You can then export the images and data for reuse on other platforms.

There are a few different ways to sell at OPENLANE, and your options depend on where your business is located.
Sell your vehicles at international auctions and they’ll be put in front of a network of more than 125,000 buyers from all across Europe. And just 48 hours later, we’ll present you with the highest bid. You then decide to accept the bid and complete the sale, negotiate with the buyer, or reject the offer and auction the car again.
You can also sell vehicles exclusively to your dealer network through communities that you create. You have control over when your community auction starts, its duration, and which buyers can participate. This is the perfect approach when you know your buyers and understand the types of cars they are seeking. Don’t spend time reading out to your network through email or messaging, but bring them online and connect them seamlessly to your offer.

Sale & Payment
Selling with OPENLANE is easy, fast and safe!
After you accept the highest bid, you send OPENLANE an invoice for the amount of that bid, and we pay you immediately.
If your company is located in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, or the Netherlands, you will receive payment within two working days of sending the invoice. Otherwise, you will receive instructions to deliver the car to the nearest OPENLANE hub, and your invoice will be paid as soon as the car is with us. If you work with community auctions, you can arrange the sale and payment terms directly with the buyer.

Selling a car with OPENLANE means no complicated logistics. We can either collect the car or you can drop it off at one of our hubs, we handle delivery and export details for international sales.
Sellers from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands can expect pickup within three days of payment, while sellers from other countries should drop off their cars at our hubs. Community sellers can arrange delivery directly with their buyers.

Înregistrați-vă acum pe OPENLANE și începeți să vindeți vehicule!
OPENLANE se ocupă de toate formalitățile legate de export. Acest lucru face ca vânzarea la nivel internațional să fie la fel de ușoară ca vânzarea la nivel național. De la colaborarea noastră cu OPENLANE, putem prezenta rezultate excelente în fiecare an.
OPENLANE este partenerul nostru de remarketing de peste un an și suntem încântați de modul în care parteneriatul nostru s-a dezvoltat pe măsură ce a crescut. Locațiile de ridicare OPENLANE din Marea Britanie continentală au sprijinit expansiunea geografică rapidă a operațiunilor noastre, știind cu siguranță că vom obține cel mai bun rezultat posibil pentru vânzările noastre de vehicule.
Îi datorez 90 procente din vânzările mele acestei colaborări. OPENLANE este un partener fără de care nu aș putea trăi. Văd că numărul de mașini vândute prin OPENLANE crește în fiecare an. Astfel, parteneriatul meu asigură faptul că afacerea mea continuă să crească. Nu există proceduri sau reguli complexe.
8 ani de activitate în sectorul remarketingului auto; apreciez rapiditatea și domeniul de aplicare internațional al instrumentului de vânzare, care permite o mai mare rapiditate și precizie, precum și un public larg căruia să i se propună stocul.
Lucrăm cu OPENLANE de aproximativ 12 ani, iar pentru noi acesta este punctul lor forte: ne raționalizează și ne simplifică vânzările. Datorită OPENLANE, ne confruntăm cu o creștere anuală a vânzărilor de la 10 la 15 procente.
Am devenit conștienți de OPENLANE (fostul COTW) în 2013 și am fost un client fidel de atunci. Procesul de vânzare este foarte bine structurat și întotdeauna adaptat la situația actuală a pieței. Procesarea este ușoară, comunicarea este transparentă, iar plățile sunt efectuate rapid. Vă recomandăm să lucrați cu OPENLANE în orice moment.