Perfect Auto Market S.R.L., Romania

Perfect Auto Market S.R.L., Romania

Perfect Auto S.R.L. is a small family-owned car dealer in Romania, with customers all over the country. Led by Adrian Oncete, he has been working with OPENLANE since 2009.

I like the way everything is set up on the website.

Adrian was looking for a platform he could trust to help grow his business. Their customers come mainly from referrals, so their reputation as a trusted dealer is crucial. “We do everything we can to keep our customers happy,” says Adrian.

The OPENLANE website allows Adrian to help customers with ease. “If the customer wants a BMW 3 Series, we go on the OPENLANE website, show them the cars we can find and, depending on their needs and budget, make an offer,” he says. “I like the way everything is set up: you can find all the documents you need, the history of the cars, descriptions, photos and you can upload your own documents directly. It’s so easy.”

Adrian has collaborated with other auction sites over the years, but has often encountered problems. Whether it was with the administration, the product range or the platforms themselves. But with OPENLANE they have found a partnership that works. “We work very well together,” says Adrian.

Through Perfect Auto S.R.L., customers order different brands of cars and know they can trust what they find. “For us, this is the most important thing: when the car comes to us, it has to be exactly as it was presented on the website, because we show the customer any scratch or damage. If the car arrives and it has other problems that have not been mentioned, that is not okay with me, the customer or OPENLANE.”

I would recommend this platform to everyone.

The partnership with OPENLANE has helped Adrian grow tremendously over the past 13 years, to the point where the family business now sells around 100 cars a month. “It’s a great collaboration. OPENLANE understand us every time and we’ve had no problems so far.”
