7. Transport & Pick Up process

7. Transport & Pick Up process

Get all the essential information to help you navigate logistics smoothly. We’ll guide you through the process of transport, pick-up and ensuring your vehicle reaches its destination efficiently. These tips will help you manage the transport process with ease and confidence.

7.1 How can I order transport?

You won the auction and the seller assigned the vehicle to you? Congratulations! Now you just need to get it to your doorstep. We are happy to arrange transport for you. We will deliver the vehicle to an address of your choosing, or to a pickup hub near your location. Just let us know what suits you best. Click here for the addresses and opening hours of our pickup locations across Europe.

Log in and check “Delivery options” on the car detail page to see the estimated delivery times and prices. The transport fees displayed on our website are based on the physical location, the type and damage degree of the vehicle. We can offer commercial transport from normal vehicles (sizes 1-3) to commercial vehicles (sizes 4-5). Check out the size table here for a full overview.

Important: the address where you want us to deliver your cars must be accessible for a truck, preferably located in an industrial area.
You are welcome to arrange transport yourself. A Pick-up fee will be charged to customers who choose to organise transport themselves, to cover the costs for handling and administration. 

7.2 When will my vehicle be ready for pickup if no transport service with OPENLANE was ordered?

Auction? Won. Payment? Made. Delivery? You don’t know what’s happening there. Unfortunately, we can’t offer you an exact track-and-trace system (yet), since we are working with over 20 different transport partners.

We offer an estimated collection period in which we expect your vehicle to be ready for pickup. The time it takes to prepare the vehicle for pickup depends on:
• the vehicle type;
• the origin;
• when it’s released by the seller;
• when it arrives at the local HUB.

Please note: The estimated collection period is only an indication. You will receive confirmation when the vehicle is ready for pickup.

Selling country Estimated time to prepare the vehicle for pickup
(if no transport service ordered with OPENLANE)
 Vehicles from Belgium  8 – 9 working days
 Vehicles from France  14 – 15 working days
 Vehicles from Italy  20 – 22 working days
 Vehicles from Germany  14 – 15 working days
 Vehicles from The Netherlands  8 – 10 working days
 Vehicles from Sweden  20 – 22 working days
 Vehicles from Spain, Poland, or other countries  18 – 20 working days

In some cases, this information is also available on the car details page under ‘Documents and history’.

Please note: 
When picking up the vehicle, you or your driver must bring the Pickup Authorisation (PuA) and other necessary documents (a car description or a damage report, a CMR or a Certificate of Delivery (COD).

Click here for the addresses and opening hours of our pickup locations across Europe.

7.3 What is the pickup procedure?

Picking up your vehicle is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  • You can choose to pick up the car at your local HUB, or if available, you can order transport directly to your office. The address you would like your vehicle delivered to must be accessible by truck, preferably located in an industrial area.
  • We offer customers the choice to personally collect their purchased vehicles from local sellers who have opted for this option. This feature is available only when a seller has allowed self-pickup and the buyer and seller are located in the same country.

Follow these steps and you’ll cruise through the process without a second thought:

Log in to ‘My account’ and download your Pickup Authorisation(s) (PuA). Send it to the email address on the PuA, together with:

  • Your planned date of pickup; make sure this is at least 24 and preferably 48 hours away.
  • The name of the transport company.
  • The name of the driver.

This is how we make sure your vehicle isn’t accidentally sent away with the wrong driver. Remember to keep us well informed of the pickup date. It’s always a good idea to confirm all details. Double-check you have all the necessary papers and documents. Don’t forget to bring the PuA!

At this point, you’ll do things differently depending on whether you’re:

  • Picking up your vehicle without the use of a truck or trailer (driving it on the road), in which case you follow the left column below.
  • Arranging for a transport company to pick up the vehicle (with a truck or trailer), in which case you follow the right column below.

There are certain vehicles that may only be picked up by official transport companies. You will find this information on the PuA and online (under “Delivery options” on the car detail page). If this case, make sure you follow the right-hand column below and at Step 3.

Please note: Support to load cars (ex. forklift) at a HUB may be subject to extra costs. These costs will be charged locally by the HUB. This service is at your own risk. In the list below you can find an overview:

HUB Belgium (BE) – Bilzen Possible without extra costs
HUB The Netherlands (NL) – Raamsdonksveer No support possible
HUB Italy (IT) – Drizzona Extra costs – Only cash
HUB Italy (IT) – Bondeno No support possible
HUB Italy (IT) – Inveruno No support possible
HUB France (FR) – Villeneuve Saint Georges No support possible
HUB France (FR) – Saint Amand (Bouchain) No support possible
HUBS Germany (DE) – Riedstad, Amberg, Mönchengladbach, Hodenhagen No support possible
HUB Romania (RO) – Pitesti Extra costs – Cash or card
HUB Hungary (HU) – Budaors No support possible
HUB Czech Republic (CZ) – Napajedla Extra costs – Only cash
HUB Croatia (HR) – Luka No support possible
HUB Poland (PL) – Lajski No support possible
HUB Spain (ES) – Madrid No support possible
HUB Portugal (PT) – Setubal No support possible
Belgium – Aartselaar (Damaged cars) Extra costs – Only cash
HUB Sweden (SE) – Falkenberg, Björkvik No support possible

IMPORTANT: It’s mandatory to always wear a high-visibility safety jacket and safety shoes, when picking up a vehicle at any of our pickup locations!


Picking up vehicle without a truck or trailer (Driving the vehicle on the road); only for BE, NL and DE cars


Arranging for a transport company to pick up the vehicle (transporting it with a truck or trailer)

i.    Ask us for your Certificate of Delivery (CoD). Once it is ready, you will be able to download it from your My account account. Take the CoD with you to the pickup location (along with your PuA and damage report). i.Download the PuA (of every vehicle) and damage report from your My account account. Make sure the transport company has these documents and a CMR with them when they pick up the vehicle.
Did you forget your CoD/PuA?

If you (or your driver) did not bring the CoD/PuA to the pickup location, you will need to download it from your My account account and send it to the pickup location by email or fax. You can find these details on the PuA.

 ii.    Pick up the vehicle at the appointment you made in Step 1. ii.Your transport company will pick up the vehicle at the appointment you made in Step 1.
 iii.    At the pickup, complete, date and sign the CoD. Make sure it is stamped by the pickup location. (The pickup location will take a copy of the CoD and the ID of the driver and give you/your driver back the original.) iii.You and your transport company need to fill out the CMR (the transport company will provide this).
iv.    At the pickup location, please use the damage report to check for any visible (and unknown) damage. In case of additional damage, please notify the pickup location representative immediately. iv.At the pickup location, please add any additional visible (and unknown) damage on the CMR and notify the pickup location representative immediately.

Click here for the addresses and opening hours of our pickup locations across Europe.


Upload CoD Upload CMR 
 v.    When you arrive at your destination with the vehicle, upload the completed, signed, stamped and dated CoD with a copy of your driver’s ID in ‘My account’. Your uploaded ID should match the information on the CoD. Click here to see an example of a correctly completed CoD (Certificate of Delivery) v.    Upload the completed CMR using ‘My account’. The stamp of your company, your signature and the date is required on Position 24 (or Position 16). Click here to see an example of a correctly completed CMR
Once your CoD has been approved, your vehicle documents will be sent to you by express courier. When you have received the documents, please confirm your receipt In ‘My account’ under ‘My purchases’ > ‘Documents at buyer’. Once your CMR has been approved, your vehicle documents will be sent to you by express courier. When you have received the documents, please confirm your receipt In ‘My account’ under ‘My purchases’ > ‘Documents at buyer’.


7.5 Do I get license plates when I pick up the vehicle?

When you pick up your vehicle, the vehicle is not registered. You must always bring the necessary transit plates yourself. We do not provide them.

You cannot pick up Spanish and Italian cars in person. They need to be picked up by a transport company since an official transport CMR from the Seller is required to unregister these cars and release the original car documents.

7.6 Can I change the delivery address for a transport I already ordered?

Changing the delivery address after the order is completed is not possible.
We have integrated our system with the those of our logistics partners, with the goal of offering you the best possible service. Changing the delivery address after the order was processed would be complex, error-prone and involve additional costs. To make sure our transport remains fast and reliable, we don’t allow any changes to a vehicle’s destination after you’ve completed an order.

7.7 Why does OPENLANE need more time to prepare Italian vehicles?

All Italian vehicles need to be deregistered before they leave the country. Therefore, we need approximately 20 working days to prepare the vehicle for pick up. You can find this information on the car detail page under Car profile > Documents and history (under Specifications):

Italia vehicles_en

The vehicle cannot be picked up until the deregistration process has been completed.

Important: In case you do this before the process is complete, the local police can confiscate the vehicle!

Once the Pick-up Authorization is released, it means that the vehicle documents are immediately available and will be shipped from Italy to our head office in Belgium.

7.8 What is Optimo?

Optimo contains 2 must-have services that only come at a surcharge of €145 on the transport cost.

  • A later payment (just before arrival in the hub)
  • An additional vehicle inspection at the HUB

Optimo is available in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Baltic countries.

7.9 Is support provided to load a car onto a truck or trailer at pickup locations?

When picking up a vehicle with body damage and/or specific technical damage, the buyer must arrange for it to be picked up under adapted conditions. If loading assistance is required at the hub (e.g. forklift) and has not been arranged beforehand, this may incur extra costs that will be charged locally by the hub. This service is at your own risk.

In the list below, you can find an overview by pickup location:

HUB Loading support possibilities
Belgium (BE) – Genk, Bilzen Support available (no extra cost)
The Netherlands (NL) – Raamsdonksveer No support possible
Italy (IT) – Mosio Support available for an additional cost (cash only)
Italy (IT) – Bertani No support possible
Italy (IT) – Inveruno No support possible
France (FR) – Villeneuve Saint Georges No support possible
Germany (DE) – Riedstad, Mönchengladbach, Amberg, Hodenhagen No support possible
Romania (RO) – Pitesti Support available for an additional cost (cash or card)
Hungary (HU) – Budaors No support possible
Czech Republic (CZ) – Napajedla Support available for an additional cost (cash only)
Croatia (HR) – Luka No support possible
Poland (PL) – Lajski No support possible
Spain (ES) – Madrid No support possible
Portugal (PT) – Setubal No support possible
Belgium – Aartselaar (damaged cars) Support available for an additional cost (cash only)


7.10 What are the requirements for declaring goods for international shipments to Romania?

The Romanian government has recently implemented updates to their legislation regarding the declaration of goods for all international shipments entering Romania.

These changes originate from the imperative to enhance the national system for monitoring road transport of goods, known as RO e-Transport. This initiative aims to strenghten administrative capacity against tax fraud. By deploying intelligent digital solutions, the goal is to uniformly manage and efficiently control road transport of goods with high tax risk, including international shipments within the national territory.

Effective from January 1st, 2024, with mandatory compliance starting July 1st, 2024, it is now obligatory to declare all shipments through the Romanian E-Transport System before the vehicle’s arrival in Romania. Failure to complete this declaration correctly may result in considerable penalties, reaching up to 100,000 lei.

Ensuring a smooth declaration process for your shipments
There are two methods to streamline the declaration process for your shipments.

Option 1: Self-managed transport and declaration
If you prefer to handle transportation independently, here are some instructions to guide you through the declaration process. Strict adherence to these guidelines is imperative to comply with Romanian legislation.

Steps to follow for your online request
1. Visit www.anaf.ro to make an online request before the vehicle’s arrival in Romania.
2. Provide essential information, including:

– Vehicle value and weight
– Transport date
– Transport organization name
– Truck number and trailer number
– VAT number of the buyer
– Border point of entry into Romania

Consult the official guide to the use of the national system for monitoring road haulage.

Option 2: Effortless transport and declaration with OPENLANE: Elevate your experience
Seeking unparalleled convenience? Look no further than our premium transportation services, tailored to be the ultimate solution for your needs. We take the hassle out of declaration processes by managing everything for you through our esteemed partners. From start to finish, rest assured that every detail is meticulously handled, ensuring seamless submission to the Romanian E-Transport System.

Experience the difference

1. Effortless management: Say goodbye to paperwork and complexities. Let us handle the entire declaration process, freeing you to focus on your core business.
2. Reliability guaranteed: With our trusted partners, reliability is non-negotiable. We ensure timely and accurate submission of all required information, providing peace of mind every step of the way.
3. Time-saving convenience: Streamline your operations and save valuable time with our efficient services. Our team takes care of every aspect, allowing you to allocate resources where they matter most.

Choose excellence. Choose ease. Choose our transportation services for unmatched convenience and confidence in every shipment.

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